-No cartoon, the first time since before WWII. <---- Well, that bites!! Life is complex enough without a wee bit of brevity in our newspapers.

"Brevity is the soul of wit," remarks Polonius in Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'

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Oct 15Liked by Michael de Adder

Brevity? It seems that the newspapers are becoming brief unto non-existence! Perhaps you mean LEVITY…

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Both words work. And to the point, not all 'Editorial Cartoons' are humorous. And many, if not all are on topic. or to the point. I enjoy most editorial cartoons because they are quick, to the point and many have no words needed to get the message across. There is nothing more boring than a ten-page article saying one thing that could have been written short and in one or two sentences! I tend to write long, so I know how boring it can be. Add to the mix, I'm a dyslexic and see the world through a different lens than non-dyslexics. We need more soundbites that say less and deliver more (or 'imagebites' - if that can now be a word to add to the English language (snickering). And for the record, not to be confused with 'image bytes' --- But then again, I'm female, and not an English major so what do I know (sweet tone) ... BREVITY: shortness, conciseness, compression, briefness, contraction, reducing, abridgement, smallness.

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Oct 15Liked by Michael de Adder

Heartbreaking but unsurprising. It’s how Postmedia rolls. On a personal note, I’m a fellow Saint Johner also in the news biz who has appreciated your work for years. Josh Beutel was a childhood friend’s father and I’ve always admired the power of political cartoons. I’m sure you’ll land on your feet but the new absence of cartoonists from newspapers is an incalculable loss to society.

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Oct 15Liked by Michael de Adder

Indeed, Whole of hypocrites - Conservative slant.

Based on my experience teaching in state and charter schools, I’ve observed a significant difference in accountability. Charter schools often operate with less oversight, which raises concerns about maintaining consistent educational standards and support, especially for students with specialized needs, such as those in the Deaf community.

On Election Day in 2015, Stephen Harper’s campaign posted a front-cover Yellow Stain ad in National Post newspapers across Canada: "Vote Liberal will cost you." Harper lost and made a big fool of himself. I can't believe how much money Conservatives spend and waste on it. It's disgraceful. They are going to do that again this time. Ugh!

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Oct 15Liked by Michael de Adder

This makes my blood boil! While they make our planet boil.

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Our local paper is no longer even a shadow of itself. It fired the entire circulation department - pressmen, carriers, office people who handled complaints - and cut paper copies to 3 days a week. It has little local news, consolidates letters to the editor so you cannot comment on what was said and carried a screed by one of the most hated national Representative who "represents" our district that was, as usual, a piece soaked in lies. It took quite a lot of real estate on 1 page.

And yet what disturbs me most about your post is that Alberta and your old employer are copying the tragic results of the U.S. experiment of dismembering what was one of the world's best public school systems with charter schools.

Please, Canada. Don't copy us.

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NS should use AB as an example for Education…?!😵‍💫

Well, if you like going from 3rd in the world in Reading & Science, & 2nd in CDN only to QC in Math — then by all means, destroy your Education system, & maybe save a quick tax$.

But you gotta’ know, you’ll pay multiples later with a dumbed-down population — exactly what Con’s love… people with limited critical thinking skills & easily manipulated.

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Be careful. This is us, the USA not so long ago. Please fight back. Create a wave of cancellations. Make the papers a bad investment for hedge funds.

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Enough is enough, I no longer subscribe to The Montreal Gazette, another propaganda tool of Post Media. (Sorry, Aislin).

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What can you expect from a media company that allows Conrad Black to write about Canadian politics. As I recollect he renounced his Canadian citizenship, was convicted of crime in the US and was pardoned by Donald Trump.

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I think at this point people are fed up enough to pay for respectable journalism.

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Finally actually living up to its no-longer-a-joke nickname: The Chronically Terrible


Dammit, that wasn’t a request!!

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Thank you for showing us what the decimation of a venerable newspaper looks like under right- wing ownership. We all need to be aware- and to push back against this egregious and dishonest imitation of "news".

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Think of all the Archives Postmedia controls, how much news history will just disappear?, I remember the days of people saving newspapers for proof.

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Honestly, when I read the headline on Alberta oil, all I could think was Conservative bias & Pierre Poilievre. His non-stop ads are everywhere. A Stephen Harper acolyte, he's Canada's version of Donald Trump.

So, if that's the direction Postmedia is taking, I hope it & Chatham are left flailing when Trump/Vance lose in a couple of weeks. Ditto Poilievre!

Oh Canada! 🇨🇦 I fear our freedom of thought that was expressed in a wide variety of excellent newspapers, is being corralled by right-wing politics.

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I’m in the US and know of “Canada’s Trump” -- and how horrible it all is for all of us. The newspapers are painful and here too the NYTimes became a mouthpiece for trump. What will we all do?

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There are a number of hard-working independent community weeklies, notably our North Grenville Times and the Merrickville Phoenix - but I doubt they’d be able to pay for political cartoons, even the best….

But your work must be seen somehow! I’ll share on my Social media to get you more Substack subscribers.

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As someone born in Alberta long ago, I can assure you that the present Alberta government and its oil-company puppet masters are no model for the rest of the country to follow. Just ask any Albertan.

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