As always …. Brilliant

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I tried to report tiff but it seems to have reported the linked comment instead. I am not sure how to retract that.

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These will last for decades

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These are so accurate and so sad….😞

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So good, so sad

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Will you please draw a map of the US and put a big “FOR SALE” sign on it and then scratch it off and put “SOLD” and show LEON MUCK and the rest of the oligarchs shaking one another’s hands? Or just LEON.

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Call them what they are: PLUTARCHS. Not quite the same as oligarchs, because (see the cabinet choices) many of them are wealthy, but incompetent. Plutocrats are that subset of oligarchs who are entirely among the elite because of their wealth. Other oligarchs are technocrats interested in accruing power, religious fanatics whose interests are power through religion (they can be, as were the Puritan oligarchs, wealthy, as well) and the simplest form of oligarchs who are interested in power for its own sake. But make no mistake: the plutocrats of Trumps choosing are pursuing power from personal greed. Their style of governance is called kakistocracy: government by the worst - the most venal and least competent in a society.

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I should add, perhaps, that oligarchy literally means rule by the few. There are some who view it as a natural consequence of hierarchical social organization. Not that it shouldn't be resisted.

Thus, a plutocracy (analogous to aristocracy, but not claiming divine ordination) is rule by the wealthy (independent of merit); a technocracy is rule by educated elites (e.g. Kennedy's cabinet); theocracy (the Puritan, Mormom and Catholic governments and what the present day American Evangelicals want for the country); kleptocracy (rule by grifters and thieves - the Harding administration and anything that Trump touches); and a kakistocracy (rule by the worst.) Note that rule by the mob - democracy - lies outside the scope of oligarchy, and that no Hellenic Greeks approved of it. Someone should write a book. Call it... Leviathan. Or the Republic. Or Kapital. Something catchy.

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Amazing, Michael ..... thanks for those!

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I love the Tucker Carlson toon—I’m sure I hadn’t seen it before, but for sheer snark, Aileen Cannon as the Coppertone girl really grabbed me.

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Thank you for all you do.

I collect your political cartoons.

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Each one an epic chapter in the tome of ‘24 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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how can you possibly choose among so many spot-on bingo yes! examples?

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😂😂😂what a joke

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where can I get one of those Brett Kavanough beer hats? I love those things.

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You documented it so well

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A great selection of powerful political cartoons.

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Excellent 👏👏👏

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Shades of Monte Burns! "Eggsss-elent"

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'Twas the applause, which I mistook for hand rubbing, that directed me to Burns.

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Got it.

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