If we don't have unity now we will fail as a nation, especially against the USA. Pierre Poilievre under the helm of the IDU Chair Stephen Harper is splitting us apart as a democracy. The IDU has been successful in destroying other democracies globally.

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Could not agree more … Pierre is no leader - he has done nothing but criticize without offering any kind of solutions - that is not in his repertoire and never has been in the 20 or so years he has been in Parliament - that he should be leading in the polls given his stances on any program that benefits Canadians (like dental insurance, affordable day care, etc.) is absolutely mind boggling.

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You are completely unaware of the havoc the IDU has brought upon other democracies such as Hungary, India, Israel, the US and others. Who do you think has picked the last 3 CPC leaders via foreign help? Harper is the most dangerous PM in Canadian history. His goal is to make Canada unrecognizable, he stated that dact a few years ago. "By the time I get finished with Canada you won't recognize it."

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Pierre Poilievre is Stephen Harper acolyte. If anyone wants to return to that era, good luck creating a unified Canada.

Just because Trump verbally bullies Canada doesn't mean Trudeau is going to cave like a simpering wimp!

Trudeau was a neophyte when first elected, despite his political lineage. I was disappointed he broke campaign promises. He's not going to allow Trump to strong strongarm him, where our economy is concerned. Where India is concerned (and I know he's been harshly judged for it), Trudeau is philosophically opposed to Modi and I happen to agree with him. Modi isn't a good leader. Their elections might as well be Russian. He treats segments of Indian society like dirt. He's harmed the farmers, and hasn't done enough to curb violence against women.

Trump is a blowhard. He's going to find it difficult to implement many of the threats & "promises" he's made. Democrats aren't going to cede anything without a fight, and there are Constitutional guardrails to protect against most of his more foolhardy plans.

Justin Trudeau just survived a 3rd non-confidence vote brought by Poilievre. I thank heaven NDP leader Jagmeet Singh chose not to support Poilievre's motion. Poilievre would pander to Trump as their conservative Christian ideologies coalesce. Neither Trump nor Poilievre are unifying forces.

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Yes it’s kind of like a family dynamic. Defend and rally as a unit against any outside threats for the greater good of the family, regardless of the dysfunction that all families have behind closed doors. They all do at one point or another. It’s life. Ug . PP is just like Trump in that he only cares for his own image. Yuck.

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Your depiction of trumps gut is horrific. There should be a fig leaf over that anatomical appendage. Spare the viewer!

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lol Trump is coming out with his own brand of perfume scented diaper girdles.

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I can't abide PP - it's easy for me to dismiss him as a jerk with no solutions or empathy for that matter. If he becomes PM we are deeply deeply sunk.

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Agree with you, unfortunately we are stuck in a hard place, I dislike both Trudeau & Poilieve, but either way, we are better off then our neighbours to the south with t heir social , & legal policies or lack there of ... medicare, prolific gun violence, dirty water, contaminated soil, disparity of wealth is NOT a model that others aspire to. Great rendering,,,yet another on my list. Thank you.

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Trudeau looks like a lean, mean, fightin' machine, while in the other corner, dumplin' is clearly over his weight class.

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Love the concept of PP giving JT the hot foot! I agree with your assessment of the situation 100%.

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Too accurate!

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“Provincial Premiers have just as much of a responsibility to stand up for Canada as any Prime Minister. It’s a Federation for god sakes, look it up! If premiers want to use “Ottawa” (Go Sens) or the Prime Minister as a political punching bag for political purposes, sure, but that has a time and place. In this moment when our Canadian national interests are under threat it’s time to support the team.”

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Well said. Brilliantly illustrated 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Peepee at his best

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Just catching upon this now. I am a consistent Liberal voter, but given the national mood it would appear that our PM is overstaying his welcome. Now of course with Ms Freeland’s resignation from Cabinet, something I never expected, I believe he needs to step aside. Believing that many federal Liberal politicians are capable, we also need one with charisma to show Canadians that Poilievre would be an embarrassment on the international stage - and of course his politics are anathema to me. Mark Carney anyone? Would Justin Trudea’s ego allow for that?

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I've never really understood why you're so clear on not supporting Trudeau. Other than the constant repetition that he sucks without reasons why, there's plenty of results to show he's doing great and so are we generally during global strife. Universal pharm, dental, childcare….the list goes on and on.

But the brainwashing continues by our US-owned media. We need to recognize these operations for what they are and pass on the truth - plans and solutions are working under the lib-NDP agreements and voting con would be a disaster for Canada.

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Love the artwork 🙌

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Michael's posted wise words; but we have to accept that Trump knows that he's dealing with a 'lame duck' Prime Minister until next October. Regardless of whether or not you support Poilievre, Canada would be much better now served by an immediate federal election of a Prime Minister that will be able to 'take on' (see The Art of the Deal) Trump with the certainty of a 4 year term.

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I don't think Trump would distinguish between any two Canadian prime ministers. He despises and beats down on all who are democratically elected. Only has warm feelings for dictators, and the British royal family, which is not elected and has had a 1000-year term.

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Again could not agree more

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He's been a lame duck for 10 years according to our USA-owned media.

I look forward to another 4, if the last 10 are anything to go by.

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