Urgent suggestion: The most important brain that needs studying after death is the one that belongs to RFK Jr.

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I was one of the last kids to contract polio in Scotland - a few months before the vaccine was first issued. Months and months only seeing my parents through a window, and painfully learning how to walk again. I was considered one of the lucky ones, first, because the paralysis didn’t affect my lungs, and secondly I was able to finally walk again without having to wear braces. I truly hope American parents see Kennedy as the truly dangerous madman he is.

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And in the light of day, for all to see........... very poignant. Maybe we were too quick to label George W. the village idiot because Jr. has certainly mustered up a good argument for the crack pot crown.

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Gdubya is still a village idiot. There are just more of them in our face these days.

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It's beyond heartbreaking to see this man from the Kennedy clan fall so far out if step with his family that they publicly disclaim him. Could his allergy to science have come from the brainworm? There is no place as US Health Secretary for a man with his issues of memory loss, retention, and other odd behavior anomalies and ideologies.

But Trump has surrounded himself with a cast of characters who are castoffs, some might say the dregs, of politics!

Americans are going to realize their folly too late. Trump doesn't care because, as he said in his 1st administration, he won't be there afterward. 🔥😡

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True that Michael!

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So hard to believe anyone could be that stupid, him sans a medical degree!. No matter. but anything to grab attention, he has nothing else going for him, other than lil donnie likes him. . Excellent rendition, but hardly funny

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I’m surprised at my visceral reaction. I think it’s the way you portrayed RFK Jr that skeeved me out.

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This is how it is. Government by idiots. I've gotta move to Canada!

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Spot-on, as usual!

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He is such a dangerous man. polio and measles waiting to ruin thousands of lives again.

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He’s starting that whole vaccines cause autism crap again. He’s a dangerous man.

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Spot on!!!

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Big visceral reaction!

The image that immediately comes to mind is Charlie Chaplin as Adolph, performing a ballet with the entire planet, in The Great Dictator. The level of obscenity in this image is extremely deserving.

Your work is a bit of a balm in our current mirror universe. It helps to digest the volume of in the air. Thanks very much, Mike. Proud of you, neighbour!

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Perfect idea, Michael. Skipping in the sunshine with Death...Not funny but, so horribly true.

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