I am an admittedly Amerocentric Yank, but following your work has me reading, following, and learning more about Canadian happenings. Thank you!

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If Ms Freeland is Maj. 'King' Kong, does that make Justin Dr Strangelove? lol

🤔 Why does a 1964 movie about the cold war & nuclear conflict seem somehow relevant 60 years later? 😳

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Cuz we still have nukes.

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Since the threat is rearing its ugly head again!

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As usual, I like your astute judgement of this story with your visuals, Michael. I would also add that it should be clear that the bomb was launched by Trudeau's misongynistic and arrogant action. His asinine decision and timing to insult Freeland with the demotion and expect her to take it quietly was unbelievable. In my mind she had no other choice in her response if being true to herself. The wave of support for her and condemnation of the PM that has followed is completely understandable. Horribly, it's just the worst timing for our country!

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