Canada was once renowned for its global soft power. Initially, the current government wielded some influence on the world stage after their first election, but this prominence dwindled over time. By 2024, Canada is perceived by the rest of the world as somewhat disconnected.
In 2003, I sketched a cartoon, about this soft power, with the simple intention of depicting Chretien flexing his feeble arms in a bodybuilding pose. My editor approved the cartoon without issue, noting Prime Minister Chretien's arm flex. It went to print.
The next day, there were readers visible upset over the cartoon.
"How could you depict our PM in such a demeaning pose?"
"This is a family newspaper; how could you publish this?"
Initially, my editor and I assumed the complaints were solely about the PM being depicted in his underwear, considering the reaction seemed disproportionate.
About a week later, upon reevaluating the cartoon, I saw what those individuals had seen. Jean Chretien's left hand appeared to be engaged in an inappropriate gesture, and the caption "Canada flexes its soft power" underlined what it looked like he was doing.
I instantly understood what the uproar was about.
I found it hilarious.
I laughed so loudly at that last line! I never would have noticed if you had not explained. So funny!
Hilarious! Great cartoon hand gestures and all.